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A DSI program working to build and maintain an online directory to better inform & connect those
working in the disability sector and those needing help, especially in low- and middle-income countries.   
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Please read the disclaimer below first, then click on a region.

About the GDD

This Directory contains information about organizations that provide disability services, including:

  • Where they work

  • Who they work with

  • The services they provide

  • How to contact them



This is an ongoing program at DSI and we aim to continuously grow and maintain the information on the GDD. We prioritize research on countries with the greatest need, using the Human Development Index (HDI).

Organizations that share our mission continuously inspire us.

Check out what they are saying:

“Indeed we feel so delighted to be part of that Global Network of people who love/care for the disabled. Indeed disability is so wide and needs a combined effort. In Our Country many people think disability is a Misfortune/ Curse. Kindly.. in case you hear of anyone looking for Partners we are ever willing, for the well being of our disabled children.”

- Organization in Uganda


Do you know an organization that is missing from this Directory or needs to be updated?

Add or Update an Organization

DSI's Directory is currently researched and run by volunteer efforts. Thank you volunteers!

Learn About Getting Involved

Consider donating to make sure we can continue to run and maintain programs including this.

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Disability Support International (DSI) is continuously working to expand and maintain directory information and this is not an extensive list of all services available. The purpose of this directory is to provide information but DSI does not know or have direct contact with each organization. To the best of our knowledge, the information above is correct however, DSI does not guarantee or assume liability of information provided in organizations' profiles.


Caution should be used when making contact with organizations and when giving out any personal information.  

An organization you can trust.
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Built on sound stewardship, meaningful partnerships, and trust, we are committed to responsibly managing resources and earning the confidence of those we serve to drive lasting positive change.

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© Disability Support International, all rights reserved.  DSI is a U.S. 501c3 nonprofit: EIN: 81-1195531   

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