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Is the country you are looking for not listed? That is because we do not currently have any information on organizations in that country. If you know of organizations to add, please scroll down to let us know. If you are looking for help, please contact us to let us know and we will try to prioritize research in that country.

Do you know an organization that is missing from this Directory or needs to be updated?

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DSI's Directory is currently researched and run by volunteer efforts. Thank you volunteers!

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Disability Support International (DSI) is continuously working to expand and maintain directory information and this is not an extensive list of all services available. The purpose of this directory is to provide information but DSI does not know or have direct contact with each organization. To the best of our knowledge, the information above is correct however, DSI does not guarantee or assume the liability of information provided in organizations' profiles.


Caution should be used when making contact with organizations and when giving out any personal information.  

An organization you can trust.
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Built on sound stewardship, meaningful partnerships, and trust, we are committed to responsibly managing resources and earning the confidence of those we serve to drive lasting positive change.

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© Disability Support International, all rights reserved.  DSI is a U.S. 501c3 nonprofit: EIN: 81-1195531   

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